Thursday, December 20, 2012

Where Olivia and Michelle Eat Things Squirming All Over Their Plate...

Sannakji is a Korean dish (easy enough to find but not part of the standard Korean diet by any means) made of a small octopus that is cut up into pieces while it is still alive and then served immediately with a light sesame sauce so it is still squirming around on the plate. It is also possible to be exceptionally adventurous and eat the whole thing: they jam the top of the mini octopus on a chopstick, wrap the legs around it, shove the whole thing into your mouth and you start chewing. Youtube it. So far we have tried the cut up version (as you can see in the video) and I don't know that we will ever try the whole version, but we will see. 

If the video doesn't work for you, click here to watch it on youtube.


  1. how did it taste?

  2. The octopus itself doesn't have much of a flavor, but the sesame oil and dipping sauce make it taste pretty good! It was definitely good enough to try again.
